Financial Calculators
Auto Calculators
Auto Loans
Auto Loan vs Home Equity Loan
Lease vs. Buy
Investment Calculators
CD Ladder Calculator
Immediate Annuity
Investment Questionnaire
Investment Returns
Muni Bond Tax Equivalent Yield
Mutual Fund Expense
Stock Option
Taxable vs. Tax Advantaged
Personal Economic Recovery
Loan Calculators
Alternative Payment Frequencies
Amortizing Loan
Debt Consolidation
Existing Loan
Student Loan Consolidation & Debt Payoff
Mortgage Calculators
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Payments
Mortgage Payoff
Mortgage Points
Mortgage Tax Savings
Refinance Break Even
Refinance Interest Savings
Reverse Mortgage
Savings Calculators
Savings Distribution
Savings Goals
Savings, Taxes and Inflation
Compound Interest
Emergency Savings
College Savings Plan
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Retirement Distribution Calculators
72(t) Distribution Impact
Beneficiary RMD
Beneficiary RMD – Spouse Inherited IRA
Company Stock Distribution Analysis
Gross/Net Distribution
How Long Will my Retirement Savings Last?
Required Minimum Distributions
RMD & Stretch IRA
Recharacterization & Return of Excess (ROE)
Retirement Savings Calculators
401(k) Savings
403(b) Savings
Compare Plan Contributions for Owner-Only Plans
Regular IRA
Retirement Planner
Retirement Shortfall
Roth IRA
Roth IRA Conversion
Roth IRA Conversion w/ Distributions
Roth vs Traditional 401(k)
Roth vs Traditional IRA
Social Security
Social Security Taxable
Personal Finance Calculators
Basic Financial
Credit Card Minimum Payoff
Credit Card Payoff
Home Budget
Life Expectancy
Long Term Care Required Savings
Snowball Debt Elimination
Tax Calculators
1040 Tax Calculator
Estate Tax Planning
Please note: All financial calculators require a Java-enabled browser. For best results, use Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher.
Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.
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